Harrison Ford’s next rescue mission: the Colombian jungle

Hollywood star, environmental activist, and part-time renegade archaeologist Harrison Ford will head to Colombia’s coast in March 2012 to battle his latest adversary: environmental degradation.

According to the actor, he’s heading to Cartagena as the vice chair of the board of directors of Conservation International, an environmental NGO, to take part in a meeting regarding environmental issues.

Ford has been involved with Conservation International for nearly 20 years and “has been instrumental in the organization’s emergence as one of the world’s preeminent forces for conservation.”

The Hollywood treelover is no stranger to South America, as he has personally piloted a helicopter through the jungles of Venezuela. He also waged a covert war against Colombian druglords in his 1994 action flick, “Clear and Present Danger.”

Ford claims his Colombia expedition is solely for environmental purposes, but after word spread of Indiana Jones’ disasterous trek through the Peruvian jungle to recover the crystal skull, Colombia’s indigenous have taken to hiding their cherished relics in hopes of deterring a fifth installment of the “Indiana Jones” movie franchise.

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