Former FARC dog becomes police’s best friend

farc deserter dog

Police forces in the northern Colombian department of Bolivar are being helped in their mission by a very loyal and friendly demobilized guerrilla – and what’s more, he is probably the only former FARC member allowed to stick his tongue out at the officers…

An energetic mongrel – who has been named “Deserter” by his new owners – was in the past a dedicated member of Colombia’s most famous guerrilla forces, reports news site Semana.

However, during a FARC invasion of the Bolivar town of San Jacinto, Deserter made a drastic decision.

On seeing the violence that resulted from the guerrilla take-over, the situation became black and white for the pooch and he decided that the rebel lifestyle was just not for him.

Deserter switched sides and is now a valued member of the town’s police force, with a fierce dislike for violence and a knack for sniffing out crime.

It was a life changing decision by the moral mutt and he seems happy in his new role as the police’s best friend.

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