Former Colombia president Samper to testify in Hurtado murder case

Colombian Congress’ Investigation and Accusation Commission will call on former President Enresto Samper to testify in the Alvaro Gomez Hurtado assassination case, reported El Tiempo Friday.

Congress asked Samper to testify after an extradited leader of the defunct Norte del Valle cartel Hernando Gomez, alias “Rasguño,” declared that the police worked with the cartel to kill Conservative Party Senator Alvaro Gomez Hurtado in 1995.

According to Rasguno’s testimony, the order to kill Hurtado came from an emissary who, according to the drug lord, was directed by then President Ernesto Samper.

The representative investigator of the Commission, Augusto Posada, said that Samper “is to be the subject of the investigation,” and should testify before the committee.

Posada also said that other measures shall be taken to interview other drug dealers who might have more information about this controversial case.

The former President Samper has repeatedly insisted that he has no connection with the assassination of Gomez, saying “we were friends.”

“No one is more interested in solving the case of Alvaro Gomez’s murder… it is a disgrace that my name is immersed in this process,” explained Samper.

Former Minister Horacio Serpa Uribe defended Samper from accusations, saying that it is “absolutely absurd” that President Samper is involved with this murder.

“The twisted Colombian has created a massive falsehood in his consciousness,” said the former minister in reference to drug lord Rasguno.

The date of the proceedings shall be established by Congress next week when sessions resume.

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