Flyers ‘out’ cheaters and hookers in a northern town

Colombia News - panfletos

Flyers circulating in a northern municipality revealed local infidelities, sex for money exchanges and other types of promiscuous behavior, newspaper El tiempo reported Monday.

Local authorities in the municipality of Galapa, 15 minutes from the city of Barranquilla in the northern Atlantico department, ordered the stoppage of the circulation of the flyers that go so far as to name and give addresses of those involved in the local sex trade and extramarital affairs.

The flyers began appearing on walls and lamp posts about two months ago, claimed a local resident who was “outed” in the publications as a local pre-paid prostitute, or “pre-pago.”

The unnamed resident said, “What is happening is grave, it is getting out of control in this town, that has not set the ‘machismo’ aside. The supposed ‘cachon,’ what they call the man who has an unfaithful wife, gets drunk and when he comes home starts to beat his wife.”

The flyers are made with the intent to do harm according to community members. One local store owner was surprised to see his 22-year-old daughter’s name in the last publication next to the designation of “pre-pago.”

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