First phase of disarmament for Colombia’s FARC in doubt as deadline looms

FARC banner near a demobilization camp in Ituango, Antioquia (Image credit: David Graaff)

The deadline for the first phase of the demobilization of Colombia’s FARC rebels looks to be in doubt after several delays in the process caused by the government.

Wednesday, March 1, was designed as an important day in Colombia’s peace agreement with the demobilizing rebel group due to surrender 30% of their weapons to the United Nations.

However, with just one day to go, it is still not certain that this will actually happen with neither side releasing specific details about the logistics for deadline disarmament.

“We are ready to begin disarmament March 1, but this is a ‘give and take’ of two parties and we hope that the State will also comply,” guerrilla leader Pablo Catatumbo told to El Tiempo on Sunday.

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The last FARC fighters arrived to the special demobilization zones only on February 19, almost two months later than planned and they found the camps – the government’s responsibility – were not finished.

The organization of the next phase of the FARC disarmament is off track too. It is not clear how many weapons are supposed to be handed over, nor how many FARC guerrillas are actually going to demobilize.

Although some 6900 men and women are already in 26 transition camps, the FARC did not deliver the full list of its members.

The government’s Office of the High Commissioner for Peace had received a list of 6233 guerrillas, but it soon turned out that it had huge gaps, such as not registering most pregnant women within the rebel group.

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There have been significant delays in the implementation of the peace deal between the guerrilla movement and the Colombian government that was signed last November.

According to the schedule agreed in Havana, the FARC fighters should have gathered in special demobilization zones by the end of 2016.

The FARC’s heavy weaponry and militia members transport weapons should have been delivered to the transition camps under the UN supervision by the same time.

A month later, FARC’s explosives that could not have been transported should have been destroyed.

The FARC should hand over 30% of their arsenal on March 1 and further 30% by the end of that month. The groups disarmament should conclude by June 1. The weapons are to be melted and the material used to build three memorials to the victims of the conflict.

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“the agreed deadlines will be met”.

Colombia’s D-Day: FARC’s 180-day demobilization and disarmament process begins

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The situation ahead of Wednesday’s deadline remains unclear with growing frustration within the FARC at the failure of Colombia’s government to live up to the promises made in the peace accord regarding the conditions in the camps and the demobilization process.


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