Cali International Film Festival opens

Colombia news - Cine Festival, Cali

Cali’s second International Film Festival (FICC) starts Friday and will show more than 300 films from around the world, according to newspaper El Espectador.

Cali aims to be the centre of experimental cinema in Colombia, Cali filmmaker and artistic director of the second International Festival of Cinema Luis Ospina explains.

FICC’s tagline is “Cali, the headquarters of cinema,” as according to Ospina “the first Colombian motion pictures were filmed in La Sultana del Valle as was the first feature film, ‘La Maria,’ inspired by a book of Jorge Isaacs.”

The festival’s awards are be divided into three different categories: best international feature film, best short film, and best Colombian film.

FICC will represent the works of important international filmmakers such Jose Luis Guerin from Spain, Ines Efron from Argentina, and Edmundo Desnoes from Cuba.

For film schedules, click here.

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