Fashion criminal Laura Acuña strikes again

Poor old Laura Acuña gets another rapping from the fashion police.

This little lady, who’s so sweet and not-at-all-crazy that she pretended to be a mega-bitch on tape in order to punish a rival TV channel for saying nasty things about her, has been lampooned for her appearance yet again by newspaper La Fiscalia.

Acuña’s hair is the subject of their disdain, admittedly appearing rather dishevelled and possibly in need of some fresh highlights as the model and host presented her show Muy Buenos Dias this week.

La Fiscalia says she looks like a lioness, not the first time they’ve blasted her with this awful, pernicious, dastardly comparison.

Acuña has somewhat of a reputation for disastrous fashion choices, but we guess better she’s remembered for that than for the unfortunate exploding breast.

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