FARC will never accede power: Army

Following the murders of two town councillors last Saturday, allegedly by FARC guerrillas, Colombia’s Army Commander promised that the Military Forces will stop at nothing to prevent the guerrillas seizing power.

“The FARC had long wanted to make Sumapaz [the rural area just south of Bogota where the councillors were murdered] a strategic corridor for control, but it is only in their imagination,” claimed the Commander Oscar Gonzalez in a report by newspaper El Espectador on Wednesday.

Gonzalez also assured that the Military had around 240 thousand soldiers throughout Colombia to ensure the safety of the population and these soldiers would not yeild an inch of national territory to the guerrillas.

“Under no circumstances will the FARC accede power, much less take the capital of the Republic [Bogota] and they will never achieve the objectives they desire,” Gonzalez added.

In conclusion, the Commander sent a message of trust and solidarity to the population of Sumapaz and confirmed that about 1,900 soldiers had been dispatched to the area to both protect the local people as well as find and bring to justice those responsible for the murders of councillors Maria Fanny Torres and Fernando Morales Pabon.

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