FARC weapon collection will not begin until next week: UN

The United Nations (UN) will not begin collecting weapons from Colombia’s demobilizing FARC rebels until next week . the international organization said Thursday.

Major General Javier Perez Aquino, who coordinates the operation on behalf of the UN, admitted that there have been several delays in the Colombian government’s preparation of FARC camps, but expects progress to be made next week in relation to the confiscation and storage of weapons.

“We are in 26 zones that are very far from populated areas, with complexities of all types,” he said. “We are in a process of communicating, planning, and coordinating. If God permits, in the coming week we will be able to clarify where we are.”

Perez said the storage process will begin only after every weapon has been identified and registered by UN officials, a process which will take several days.

Historic day in Colombia – FARC bid farewell to arms

hortcomings have delayed the entire demobilization process and increased tensions between all parties involved.

Dodgy deals with ‘construction’ firms delayed FARC demobilization: report

Colombia’s 2012 – 2016 peace talks | Fact sheet

In November, the Colombian government signed a final peace agreement with the FARC, the country’s largest guerrilla group, ending a decades-long war that has killed 260,000 and displaced millions.

The UN was called to monitor the rebel’s disarmament process.

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