FARC threat to population of southern Colombia

defensoria del pueblo, colombia news, farc

The Ombudsman’s Office has issued a press release warning that the inhabitants of municipalities in Colombia’s southern departments of Meta and Cauca remain at risk from the presence of the FARC guerrilla force.

The Office indicated that the 27 and 43 Fronts of the FARC are maintaining their armed campaign to pressurize and control the population of Meta with threats of the forced recruitment of minors and risk of random attacks, reported news site Caracol on Tuesday.

The Office also stated that they had warned the relevent authorities of Cauca regarding the vulnerability of the population from indescriminate guerrillas raids as well as the unconventional tactics used by the FARC to influence local people.

The press release claimed that the Ombudsman was urging FARC guerrillas to abide by the principles of international humanitarian law which prohibits arbitrary attacks on rural communities and medical personnel.

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