FARC ‘ready’ to surrender captive officials

Colombian rebel group FARC said Sunday it is ready to surrender three captured members of Colombia’s security forces to the Red Cross and peace activists.

The two policemen and one soldier were detained on two occasions by FARC rebels earlier this year.

According to Rodrigo Granda, one of the rebel leaders currently in Havana to negotiate peace with the government, his guerrilla organization is waiting for the final green light of the administration of President Juan Manuel Santos to begin the operation leading to the release of the hostages.

According to the rebel leader, the captured members of the security forces “are in good condition and receiving a respectful and dignified treatment.”

Granda added that the rebels “will proceed to take steps to release them.”

The rebels and the government have both authorized the Red Cross and peace activist group Colombians for Peace to carry out the humanitarian operation aimed at releasing the soldier and policemen from their jungle prison.

The FARC banned the kidnapping of civilians and members of the armed forces earlier last year. Since late 2011, the group has released captured “prisoners of war” to the Red Cross. Colombian anti-kidnapping NGO Pais Libre denies the FARC has fully abandoned kidnapping.

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