FARC: Peace talks should come before ‘electoral politics’

Colombia’s largest left-wing rebel group, FARC, has on Tuesday declared that the peace process should not be affected by ‘electoral and political fluctuations’.

“A national objective of such significance should not be subject to the fluctuations of electoral politics, to personal motivations or to pressure from minority groups, no matter how powerful they are” read the FARC statement, reiterating their belief that there exist sectors within the government who are trying to ‘torpedo’ the ongoing negotiations in Havana, Cuba.

The statement included the rebel group’s conviction that the work so far achieved in the peace talks in Havana, Cuba, represent “a clear demonstration that it is possible for an agreement to be reached between the two parties,” and called on all sectors of the Colombian public to continue to support the Peace Talks “without hesitation, until an agreement can be reached.”

The FARC communication was delivered to coincide with the fifth anniversary of the death of Manuel Marulanda Velez, alias “Tirofijo,” an early leader of the FARC.


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