FARC launch explosives attack in Cauca

The FARC launched another attack against authorities in Cauca on Sunday, leaving a policeman injured.

Authorities indicate that the FARC initiated the attack from a mountainous area by launching an explosives-laden cylinder towards the policemen, reported El Tiempo.

The attack, which occurred in the town of Siberia in the department of Cauca, forced the town’s 5000 residents to seek refuge and hide in their homes.

Sunday’s incident marks the fifth attack launched by the FARC against the population of Cauca in the last nine days.

Last Friday, three policemen were killed and another nine were seriously wounded in Cauca after guerillas detonated explosives on a road on which the police were traveling.

This is not the first time that residents of Siberia have experienced an attack from the FARC. In 1998, the FARC’s 6th Front destroyed the town’s church, police station, the Agrarian Bank, and 30 houses.

Last week, the national government sent over 300 Special Forces soldiers to Cauca to reinforce local authorities in their battle against the FARC,.

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