FARC hostage releases are ‘absurd media show’: Santos

Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos Saturday fiercely criticized this week’s releases of hostages by the FARC, calling them an ” absurd media show.”

The president was mostly disturbed by the release of politician Armando Acuña, who was wearing a suit and tie when leaving the helicopter that had taken him from the jungle.

“The downside is that again everything comes together as an absurd media show. As if the people and the world doesn’t notice,” Santos said.

“Everything is prepared. This is hardly humanitarian,” said the president.

According to Santos, the FARC is actively trying to manipulate the media to improve their image.

“We are going to allow that these releases are finished, but after that we will thoroughly revise the policy of continuing to allow these one-by-one releases and this farce. This is not what the people want and is not what the government wants.

The guerrillas are in the process of releasing five hostages. One was released on Wednesday, two on Friday and on Sunday the FARC is expected to release another two.

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