‘FARC’ kidnap, murder human rights defender in south Colombia

The body of human rights defender was found dumped in the road in southern Colombia the day after alleged FARC guerrillas abducted him on Sunday night.

According to the local police commander, Luis Enrique Garcia Solarte was travelling in a convoy of eight vehicles through Rio Hondo, 10 miles from Popayan, following a political meeting when they encountered a roadblock manned by armed men.

The men, whom witnesses identified as being from the FARC’s 8th Front, made passengers in the lead cars get out, Colombian media reported.

Fighting then broke out and the men forced Garcia onto a motorbike and took him away. They also wounded a local doctor, Carlos Alberto Arboleda Fajari, shooting him twice.

Garcia, a prominent human rights advocate and advisor to projects in El Tambo, was later found dead in the nearby area of Monteredondo.

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