Ex-Honduran ambassador takes ‘full responsibility’ for sex party scandal

The former Honduran ambassador to Colombia said he takes “full responsibility” for the sex party scandal that occurred in the Honduran embassy.

In an interview with a local Honduras television station on Sunday, the former Honduran ambassador, Carlos Humberto Rodriguez, said “as head of the embassy I take full responsibility [for the incident], even though I was not there”.

Rodriguez’s statement comes on the heels of reports that an employee of the Honduran embassy threw a Christmas party at the embassy that involved prostitutes, defecation and the theft of laptops and cell phones.

“I want to apologize to the government of [Honduran] President [Porfirio] Lobo, the Honduran people, and the people and government of Colombia,” said the former ambassador.

Without shirking his responsibility, Rodriguez expressed his clear frustration with the incident, noting that “for a long time I will be known for something I did not have a hand in doing.”

While he was not present, it has been reported that the party’s organizer is the ambassador’s friend and former bodyguard.

Rodriguez handed in his resignation Saturday after Honduran foreign minister Arturo Corrales made a request for his “irrevocable resignation”.

The disgraced ambassador assured the Honduran government that the theft of an embassy laptop does not signal a security breach, as all sensitive information was stored and handled on his computer.

The new Honduran ambassador to Colombia has yet to be announced.

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