Ecopetrol lost $11M in 2010 through oil theft

Colombia news - transandino

Colombia’s largest petroleum company Ecopetrol loses $11 million in 2010 due to oil theft, the comptroller general announced.

According to the comptroller’s report, the loss, which averages to 369 barrels of oil stolen a day, represents a staggering 95% increase from 2009.

The two pipelines that were targeted the most were the Cañolimon pipeline near the Venezuela border and the Transandino line near the Ecuadorean border, which together have the capacity to transport 268,000 barrels per day. The two line have been repeatedly ravaged by alleged guerrilla attacks in 2011.

Senator Alexandra Moreno Piraquive attributed the problem to guerrilla attacks. According to the senator, guerrilla forces have committed more than 40 acts of sabotage against oil ducts and burned several vehicles transporting oil.

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