Dutch film festival touches down in Bogota (video)

An Amsterdam original “Beeld voor Beeld,” (Image for Image) Film Festival comes to the Colombian capital August 16-20 and features a wide range of thought-provoking documentaries, reports Colombia events source.

The festival plans to show approximately 50 films that showcase various means of cultural expression, as well as offer platforms for discussion between filmmakers and the general public.

Beeld voor Beeld positions itself in the cross between visual anthropology, documentary cinema, and politics. With respect to the latter, they will be showing “Impunity” by Juan Jose Lozano and Holman Morris, “Songs from the Nickel” by Alina Skrzeszewska, and “La Balada del Brujo” by Alejandro Chaparro, in addition to a forum with Colombian documentarian Martha Rodriquez.

The theatrical showcase will take place at the Universidad de los Andes, Universidad Central Sede Norte, Universidad Distrital, Auditorio Jorge Molida M, Cinemateca Distrital, and the Auditorio Fundadores Cineclub.

The film festival pays homage to Jorge Preloran, a prolific Argentine filmmaker who passed away in 2009.

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