DMG director threatens with hunger strike

Jailed DMG director David Murcia threatens to go on hunger strike if the Colombian government won’t listen to him, his lawyer announced.

According to a communique read to the press by his lawyer Nelson Romero, Murcia wants to talk to the government about a proposal to the return of money to the approximately 200 thousand investors.

Murcia proposes to construct a holding and allow the people who invested money in the shut down company to become shareholders. That way, says Murcia, the investors can earn back their lost money.

If the government won’t talk to him about his ideas, he will go on a hunger strike.

The DMG boss reiterates that his business is not a pyramid and that he looks forward to appear before Colombian justice.

The shut down of DMG led to fierce protests by investors who remained loyal to the man the government accuses of robbing them. Mayors in the poor south of Colombia called onBogotá to declare a state of economis emergency to deal with the massive loss of money of the mostly poor investors in the south.

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