A new poll shows that even the most fanatic of Juan Manuel Santos’ opponents in the June elections have grown to love the Colombian President.
The poll, conducted by RCN Radio, partly run by the president’s cousin, and newspaper El Tiempo, partly run by two brothers of Santos, showed that of the 31% of Colombian voters who did not vote for the current President, only 1.2% is still convinced they made the right choice.
Of those who voted for Santos in the elections, 20% have turned against the president, the majority for thinking the President’s being too soft against the leftist leaders Hugo Chavez (of Venezuela) and Rafael Correa (of Ecuador).
The two media conclude that if elections were held today, the President would receive 84.8% of the votes.
The remorse of those making the mistake not voting for Santos is so great that therapy groups have emerged where opposition voters try to make up for having been led astray from the Santos path.
Through creative therapy, the participants try to undo their electoral failures by depicting the Colombian president as Jesus Christ, the Holy Virgin, Ghandi, Winston Churchill or Martin Luther King.
The remorseful voters have also sent a letter of support to the President wherein they vow never to make the same mistake again.