DISINFORMATION: Cordoba confused about guilt

Former Colombian senator Piedad Cordoba admitted Wednesday she is completely confused about whether she is guilty of something, and if she is, what of.

The controversial politician was found guity of the irregular financing of a fellow politician’s campaign by the Inspector General on Monday and absolved of those charges by the Supreme Court only two days later.

Cordoba had already been banned from Congress over her alleged ties to guerrila groups FARC, but also this case seems on stand-by after the country’s highest court trashed the evidence used by the Inspector General’s Office.

Cordoba, dubbed “f**king n*gger” by her paramilitary enemies, admitted Wednesday she no longer knew left from right now that she is convicted of nothing but not allowed to hold any public office.

“I don’t know whether what I did was illegal or not. In fact, I have been accused of so many things that I don’t even know what I actually did,” the Senator said.

Meanwhile, the senator vowed to continue promoting peace “or something.”

“One has to make ends meet somehow,” Cordoba explained.

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