Devotees hope to break world bible reading record

260 Colombians are trying to break the Guinness World Record for bible reading in the north-east city Valledupar. The devotees will attempt to read the entire Bible outloud in 76 hours.

The event, coined ‘Bible to the extreme’, was organized by pastor Mauricio Rocha and is being held in Valledupar’s central plaza. Devotees began reading last Tuesday at 6:45pm and will finish Friday at 10:45pm, aided only by a table, a jug of water, a microphone and of course the Good Book.

Rocha said he thought the team of devotees wouldn’t achieve their aim of reading the Bible from start to finish in under 76 hours, the time required to enter the Guinness Book of Records. However he said that they already intended to try again in 2010.

This is the third annual ‘Bible to the extreme’ event. The first saw 295 people read the bible in 84 hours and 51 minutes, according to El Tiempo.

Among readers participating in ‘Bible to the extreme’ are the governor of Cesar (the department of which Valledupar is the capital) and his wife.

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