Details of Colombia’s hostage recovery op. revealed

Hostage mediator Piedad Cordoba published the protocols for Colombia’s FARC held hostage recovery operation on her site Monday.

The former Colombian senator Cordoba and civil organization Colombians for Peace have acted as mediators between the Colombian government and Colombia’s largest guerrilla group the FARC.

The hostages are 10 members of Colombia’s security forces, some have been held by the FARC for as long as 13 years. Last month the FARC announced its intention to release the hostages and suspend the practice of kidnapping.

The release did not mention a specific release date for the hostages but did say the hostages may be released in seperate operations. “In case of seperate humanitarian operations, it’s important that none start before the previous one is completely finished,” said the protocol.

The protocol also the Colombian governement must suspend military activity in recovery zone, “during the whole day, as in 24 hours the day of the operation, and at least six hours the next day.”

Cordoba said she expected the hostages to be released before April in a message on her Twitter account last month.

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