David Murcia turns business guru in US jail

David Murcia Guzman, who was convicted of tricking hundreds of thousands of Colombians out of their savings through pyramid scheme DMG, has reportedly become a business guru for fellow inmates in his U.S. prison, reported Caracol on Wednesday.

According to the convict’s brother, Cristian Murica, the imprisoned DMG boss is constantly consulted by other inmates, especially those of Latin American origin, on how he ran the fraudulent business.

Prisoners are apparently keen to learn how the Colombian succeeded in channelling over $2 million into company hands over a period of seven years.

Murcia’s brother told reporters that the former DMG director is admired by the other inmates, and is happy to pass his expert knowledge to the eager ears of his fellow criminals.

The disgraced head of the Colombian Ponzi scheme is currently serving a 26 year and four month sentence for the crime of money laundering, and an additional 51 months for stealing public resources.

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