David Murcia found guilty of money laundering and illicit enrichment

David Murcia, former director of controversial investment company DMG, was convicted for money laundering and illicit enrichment Wednesday.

According to the judge, the Prosecution provided suffient evidence that shows Murcia had used DMG to launder money for drug lords and had unlawfully enriched himself.

The Inspector General’s Office criticized the charge of illicit enrichment earlier that day, claiming there was no hard evidence that support the charge.

Murcia’s defense lawyers agree with the Inspector General and claimed DMG was not criminal enterprise and crimes committed was to be blamed on other executives who had done business not according to the business’ rules.

The Prosecutor General’s Office rejected the criticism and reiterated that it had come up with 145 pieces of evidence to support the charge.

The court will determine the penalty of the crimes Murcia is convicted of within a couple of weeks.

Murcia’s DMG collected the savings of hundreds of thousands of Colombians, who lost their money when the government decided to shut the company down, saying the company was a pyramid scheme.

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