Cordoba refuses to defend herself in ‘FARC-politics’ case

Piedad Cordoba says there is no validity in the new case against the her for allegedly collaborating with the FARC and asserts that the charges against her are fueled by “a person who opposes [Cordoba] in a hostile way,” reported newspaper El Tiempo on Tuesday.

The inspector general’s new case against Cordoba for partaking in “FARC-politics” was prompted by the discovery of sound clips found on seized a FARC computer that allegedly mention the ex-senator’s name. However, Cordoba and her lawyer Luis Guillermo Perez deny the validity of the case and have renounced from defending themselves against the charges. The court will appoint Cordoba a public defender to take over the case.

Additionally, Perez announced an international formal complaint against the illegal wiretapping and following carried out by DAS. The report will be presented to the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, with the support of the testimonies of ex-DAS officials who have already admitted their involvement in the scandal.

Cordoba and her legal representative will also be pressing charges against the secretary of the Accusations Commission who attempted to adjourn the court session last week while ex-president Alvaro Uribe testified against his involvement in the wiretapping scandal. In his testimony, Uribe denied all charges against him, but did however admit to asking DAS to investigate Piedad Cordoba following the death of one of the ex-senator’s escorts, which she blamed on the government.

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