Cordoba: FARC to release hostages Saturday and Monday

Senator Piedad Cordoba announced on Thursday via Twitter that aircrafts are set to pick up FARC hostages Josue Daniel Calvo on Saturday and Pablo Emilio Moncayo on Monday.

According to Cordoba’s page on the social networking site, the release operation for Calvo will leave on Saturday from Villavicencio airport, located in the central department of Meta, whilst Monday’s release operation for Moncayo will go from Florencia airport in the southern department of Caqueta.

On Thursday mediators for the operation – including Senator Cordoba, Red Cross officials and Bishop Leonardo Gomez – will meet with the helicopter units in the Brazilian town of San Gabriel de Cachoeira, reports El Tiempo.

The officials will then stay over in the area of the Rio Negro river, in the Las Amazonas department and will go to Villavicencia on Friday.

Calvo is being released first because he is reported to be seriously ill.

Last Tuesday, the FARC signed a security protocol with the Colombian authorities to arrange the release, which had been delayed by intensive military activity in the area where the release is planned.

Pablo Emilio Moncayo has been held by the FARC since 1997, while Joshua Daniel Calvo has been held since April 2009.

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