Colombia’s Pescao Vivo release tribute song to Radamel Falcao (AUDIO)

After various Colombian music awards and sell-out concerts in Brazil, Costa Rica and the United States amongst others, “Ruge El Tigre” is Pescao Vivo’s first release in 2013.

The song, in reference to Falcao’s most popular nickname, “El Tigre” (The Tiger), was reportedly written in appreciation of Falcao and the hope that the player can return the country to the World Cup, but most of all, in the hope that Falcao can portray Colombia in a positive light around the world through his conduct on and off the field.

“Falcao is a better person than he is a [soccer] player,” said the band.

The band has an apparent affection for soccer. According to the band’s official website, Pescao Vivo has a song on their second album inspired by Colombian soccer great Carlos “Pibe” Valderrama.

The song is free to listen to for a limited time on the band’s website.

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