Colombia’s best booty owner turns entrepreneur

Colombia’s unofficial sexiest TV personality ever and official owner of Colombia’s best booty, Jessica Cediel, revealed plans Tuesday to begin an enigmatic entrepreneurial venture.

The 29 year-old Cediel, who has been in many commercials for various businesses including Head and Shoulders shampoo, has decided to set her sights on the business world.

Although she has revealed little-to-nothing about this new, amorphous phase in her life, the Colombian cutie generalized that she will begin a project that will provide services to families.

Commenting impalpably on her future “plans” in an interview with the website Cromos, the ambitious Cediel said, “I have something going on, so I can’t say much, but I can throw out that next year it won’t be cosmetics, books, or beauty products, but a service for children.”

After quitting her hosting role on Canal RCN’s arguably worst television show “Muy Buenos Dias” last March, the official owner of Colombia’s best booty remained with the company and now stars on the program “Nuestra semana Nuestra tele.”

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