Colombians are skeptical about peace: Santos

Colombian people have become skeptical when talking about peace, President Juan Manuel Santos stated Friday.

In a speech before worshipers of a Bogota-based evangelical church, Santos blamed the skepticism on past “deceptions” by guerrilla groups in peace talks.

“Because of this we need clear and strong evidence” of the FARC’s intentions to make peace with the government, the president said.

Santos reiterated the government’s position that the FARC need to cease terrorist activities and release all hostages before peace talks can begin. The sporadic release of hostages– like the release of five hostages planned the coming week— is not enough, he said.

“I have told them to release all hostages. I believe that these five should never have been kidnapped. If [the FARC] give clear signals, and have a strong wish for peace, the door is not closed,” said the president.

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