Colombian woman swears she is world’s oldest by mistake

An officially 150-year-old woman from the northern Colombian department of Bolivar swears she is not the world’s oldest woman and that authorities made a mistake.

Osmelia Miranda, who doesn’t look 150 and swears she is no older than 50, says that because of a mistake at the National Registry she has been registered as 100 years older than she is, ever since she became 18 and received her first identity card.

Ever since that 118th brithday she has tried to get authorities to correct her age, and claims to have been subject to teasing, confusion and even charity, with no luck in having her official age lowered.

According to television station RCN, the National Registry Office recently vowed to correct the mistake without charge. Until then, the lively Miranda will have to accept that she is the world’s oldest woman.

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