Colombian teachers set off to Surinam to tighten cultural ties

Colombian Spanish teachers have traveled to Surinam to spread knowledge and strengthen cultural ties.

Luis Armando Soto, Colombia’s Foreign Ministry Director of Cultural Affairs reportedly said that, “it’s not just about teaching the language, but also our culture, to tighten our ties and to position Colombia as the country that best speaks Castilian Spanish”.

Most of the Surinamese people speak three or four languages, including Dutch, Surinamese, Spanish and English, and some even speak Portuguese according to Director of the Center for Spanish Language at Externado University Liliana Rojas, the project’s overseer.

Teacher Paola Melo Amira, whose alleged mission in life is teaching, not only expects to teach her students how to speak Spanish over the next six months, she wants to leave making sure that they “talk nice about Colombia” too.

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