Colombian reggaeton star throws tantrum after ass-injection vid surfaces

Colombian reggaeton artist J. Balvin gave fans and press new material, though not the kind one might expect, after he was caught on camera getting a butt-injection, before throwing a fit over its publication.

The musician was apparently hysterical and furious after the embarrassing video of him squirming and screaming while receiving a medical butt-injection was posted online, although there has been no suggestion that

the reggaeton star’s injection was related to the popular Colombian fad of surgically enhancing one’s backside.

The video was posted

by his friend and fellow reggaeton artist Villegas, who did not realize the damage the video would do to their friendship, according to gossip site Sweet. When he discovered that J. Balvin was angry, he immediately attempted to apologize to his irate friend, who reportedly wouldn’t give him the time of day or even answer his telephone.

To add insult to injury, apparently the video is super popular and has received a ton of hits from internet fans. J. Balvin appears to be building quite a reputation for himself, though likely not the kind he would want.

To see J. Balvin looking far less menacing than the picture above, watch below:

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