Colombian reality TV contestant ‘attempts suicide, has nervous breakdown’

A contestant of “Protagonistas de Nuestra Tele” quit the Colombian reality show Wednesday amid rumors of a nervous breakdown, a suicide attempt and and the alleged threatening of his fellow-contestants with a knife.

The crisis arose in the early hours of Monday when Oscar reportedly threatened several of his housemates with a knife when a fight broke out during a task, according to reports by Colombian media.

After the “uncomfortable situation” Oscar held “intense” discussions with his housemates and his mood altered to the point where he had to be taken to hospital from the house where the program seeks to discover the new stars of Colombian television network RCN

Following evaluation, specialists recommended that “for his health and well-being” he should leave the show.

This episode of instability was the first as it was reported in early August that Oscar had attempted suicide due to a deep depression brought on when he was forced to leave the house, according to media reports which say a paramedic tended to him the day after his eviction.

However, the contestant’s apparent mental instability at that point did not keep RCN from allowing him back on the show at the audience’s request.

His “irreverent” personality and sexual orientation have caused him to be the root of much controversy and the butt of insults and humiliations resulting in heated arguments and even physical violence.

The executive producer of RCN said that “he was diagnosed with high levels of stress and anxiety but there was no aggression toward peers.”

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