From Colombian prison guard to beauty queen

At 21 years old, Yecica Lorena Castillo Guaraca decided to ditch her camouflage in hopes of a beauty crown, reported local media Monday.

The south Colombian beauty decided to leave her post as an official with the country’s National Institute for Penitentiaries and Jails in the city of Neiva to compete for the title of Miss Huila. She will be the first law enforcement officer to compete for the crown in the department.

Castillo reportedly has a rigid eight-hour routine that she completes every other day, which includes going to the gym, taking dance class and learning choreography to Bambuco, a type of traditional Colombian folk music.

The rest of her week is devoted to guarding the inmates at the jail she has worked at for just over a year.

Sources close to Castillo said she was chosen to compete for the seriousness and discipline that she consistently demonstrates in her work.

The dream of becoming a beauty queen started when Castillo was in preschool, but she did not compete until a few years ago when she ranked third in a local contest. She now has her sights set on a much larger goal—the title of Miss Huila and competing at the national level.

The quest for the crown has apparently transformed the hopeful beauty. Before the start of the competition she was only seen with her hair up and in uniform. According to sources close to Castillo, she can now be found with her locks let loose, sporting high heels and makeup that highlights her natural good looks.

Castillo is reportedly favored to win the title on June 17 before she returns back to work at the prison.

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