Colombia vows to ban export of shark meat

(Photo: Wikipedia)

Colombia’s President Juan Manuel Santos on Thursday vowed to be pushing legislation through Congress that will ban the export of sharks and shark meat.

During a video presentation at The Economist magazine’s World Ocean Summit, Santos said that Colombia is dedicated to protecting the marine environment and collaborating with its neighboring countries.

The head of state said that he has already taken action by strictly prohibiting the import and export of shark fins, according to El Espectador newspaper.

Imogen Zethoven, Project Director of the Pew Charitable Trusts’ Global Shark Conservation, said that, “President Juan Manuel Santos and his administration understand that humanity needs healthy oceans; healthy oceans need sharks.”

Additionally, Santos said that his government is working to strengthen protected marine areas on both its Pacific and Caribbean coasts.

Portuguese President Cavaco Silva reinforced these ideas and expressed that the international community must act urgently to protect the oceans as they are critical to the global economy.


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