Colombian pop sensation Fonseca launches new album

Colombian pop and folk sensation Juan Fernando Fonseca, known in his home country simply as Fonseca, launched his fourth album “Ilusion” Friday, reported El Espectador.

The album includes his latest single “Desde que no estas” (Since you’re not here) which was released last month and according to the artist, “reflects a moment in everyones lives that can be melancholic but in the end it’s about love.”

The artist says that with “Ilusion” he feels more in tune with the current music trend and explains that becoming a father has influenced his music. “Each one of the songs represents my personal taste. I make music because it’s my life and I want to fill it with songs from the heart”, he added.

The album was produced by Bernardo Ossa, with whom he had already worked, and Andres Levin, a Venezuelan who helped him focus on past experiences and summarize what the last few years of his life have meant.

There are 13 tracks on the disc produced by Sony. It has been heavily marketed on social networks, especially Twitter and Facebook, following similarly successfull campaigns from groups like Radiohead, Smashing Pumpkins and Lady Gaga.

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