Colombian musician Juanes claims contact with aliens

Colombian rock legend Juanes claimed to have seen a UFO, in a interview with W Radio.

Juanes said the event occurred last September while the musician was looking out of his hotel window.

Juanes said “It was incredible, one of those things that marks your life. It changed the way I think about everything. I had always believed in [aliens] and when I saw them I was so happy.”

Describing the sighting Juanes said “I saw lights that stood motionless, but not in a normal way. I thought they were UFOs, because what else could they be. The lights formed geometric pattern that changed every five minutes. This took place for 15 minutes.”

After the incident Juanes said he looked up UFOs on the internet and found many similar reports to what he experienced.

The event left the singer in a state of philosophical reflection, “I always thought there was life in other parts of the galaxy and we’re a tiny part of a huge thing.”

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