Colombian film ‘Karen Cries on the Bus’ premieres Friday

colombia news - karen cries on the bus

Colombian film “Karen Cries on the Bus,” which was screened at three major film festivals, premiered Friday.

The 98 minute feature, written and directed by Gabriel Rojas Vera, was nominated for a Film in Progress award at San Sebastian Film Festival 2010 and was screened at the Berlin Film Festival 2010, where it received a nomination for Best Debut.

“Karen Llora en un Bus” (or “Karen Cries on the Bus,” as it has been presented internationally) was also recently screened at the Cartagena Film Festival 2011, where Rojas took part in a Cartagena Film Festival screenwriting course back in 2007.

The film revolves around Karen, played by Angela Carrizosa, who struggles to break free from the monotony of her life and the ups and downs she faces while doing so.

Rojas, in an interview with newspaper El Espectador Friday, said that he wrote a film about everyday people and not drugs and trafficking because the majority of Colombians are everyday people.

“This type of film is what the Colombian audience has been crying out for. The Colombian audience is more intelligent and receptive than many directors and producers think.”

The film has a female protagonist because, having studied in an all-male high school, Rojas decided to surround himself with women in order to decipher them, and use film as a way to explore the feminine world.

Rojas added that he is very happy with the way the film turned out. “I hope that it has box office success, that many people see it. I hope it is screened at many festivals, all of these things are very important, not only for me as a director but for Colombian cinema.”

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