Colombian ex-intel official wanted for killing human rights defender

An arrest warrant has been issued for a Colombian ex-intelligence official suspected of murdering a human rights activist and scholar in 2004, local media reported Tuesday.

Javier Valle Alfredo Anaya, worked for the now-defunct Administrative Department of Security (DAS), Colombia’s security agency until 2011. He is accused of arranging the murder of sociologist Alfredo Correa de Andreis and his bodyguard, after framing the academic of having links to the FARC.

The pair were shot by members of the “Jose Pablo Diaz” front of the AUC, Colombia’s largest disbanded paramilitary organization.

Months before his death, Correa de Andreis, who campaigned on human rights issues, was arrested on suspicion of collaborating with the FARC. It was later revealed that Alfredo Anaya had used state funds to pay people to falsely convince investigators Correa de Andreis had links to the guerrilla group.

Valle Anaya has been charged with the killing of a protected person, aggravated homicide, aggravated conspiracy, embezzlement and abuse of public office.

Rodrigo Tovar Pupo, alias “Jorge 40”, Edgar Ignacio Fierro Florez, alias “Don Antonio” and Juan Carlos Rodriquez Leon, all former high-ranking members of the AUC were also charged with their involvement in the double murder.

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