Colombian comptroller warns gold mine could threaten water supply


The comptroller general of Colombia warned Wednesday that a massive gold mine project in the central Tolima department could threaten the area’s water supply, according to Reuters.

Comptroller General Sandra Morelli wrote a letter to Colombia’s environmental agency warning that the La Colosa mining project could affect a river basin, endangering water resources for agriculture and consumption.

Morelli warned that any permits issued to AngloGold, the company behind the project, should be considered illegal until it can be demonstrated that the mine will not lower water levels below tolerable levels.

The gold mine has been halted due to environmental concerns. AngloGold currently lacks the permits necessary to continue developing the mine, which will require $3 billion to operate.

AngloGold is the world’s third largest gold producer. The mining site is believed to contain 12 million ounces of gold.

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