Colombian circus wows London

Colombia’s finest circus artists are appearing for a second time at London’s Roundhouse theatre in the critically acclaimed ‘Circolombia urban’ show, Sky News reports Wednesday.

All the performers have graduated from British born Felicity Simpson’s revolutionary Colombian school “Circa Para Todos.” The circus academy is renowned for training some of Colombia’s most deprived youngsters.

The Cali based professional school is heavily oversubscribed every year with kids who want to learn how to perform and escape a life of poverty. Simpson insists that these youngsters always seize the opportunity presented to them with verve, allowing her to harness this passion and foster some of the best circus talents in the world.

Barreiro Murillo Joinner Alberto, one of the performers, told Sky News what life was like before he went to the school and how things have changed, saying, “I worked in the street, I worked there and I lived there. This is better because I have work, a home, food, everything.”

Many of the performers send money home to their families to make a difference to the lives of their loved ones.

Circolombia Urban is on at the Roundhouse in Camden,London from April 4-16.

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