Colombian beach listed in top 10 beach destinations

A travel advisor website named the Caribbean beach of Santa Marta in its list of the Top 10 Beach Destinations for 2011.

Santa Marta was recommended by in its list of beach destinations. With its placement on the list, Santa Marta joins such destinations as the Seychelles, Bali, New Zealand, Hawaii, and Florida. noted that Colombia is becoming a popular tourist location again, highlighting its more than 300 beaches on both the Caribbean and Pacific oceans, as well as new hotels and international airline routes.

The list was unranked and based partially on recommendations submitted by the website’s users. The travel destinations included in the Top 10 list were collected from the site’s viewers’ suggestions.

Santa Marta, founded in 1525 by Spanish explorers, is Colombia’s oldest city. The city has plans to construct new marinas that it hopes will attract sailers and other recreational mariners.

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