Colombian actress Sara Corrales aspires movie career

Colombian actress Sara Corrales has applied for a role in her boyfriend and filmmaker Rodrigo Triana’s upcoming film. Other actresses that want the role are

To avoid suspicion Corrales says she will take part in the auditions for the movie, just like any of the other actresses.”If I get the role, wonderful. If not, fine”. Corrales already has a succesful acting career on Colombian television.

The film, Corrales reveals, will specifically feature the current political situation Colombia and tell the story of a father and son. The role she applied for is that of the main character’s wife.

Triana is recognized by national filmcritics for his ‘Como el gato y el ratón’ (Like the cat and the mouse), ‘Soñar no cuesta nada’ (Hearing doesn’t cost a thing) and most recently the soap opera ‘La marca del deseo’ (The mark of desire) in wich Corrales played too. The actress has also played in ‘Todos quieren con Marilyn’ (everyone wants Marilyn) and ‘Merlina, mujer divina’ (Merlina, divine woman).

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