Colombian actress gets mixed up in baby mama drama

Colombian actress Marion Zapata got pissed at gossip magazine La Fiscalia for their article about her pregnancy announcement, calling the rag “second-rate and sensationalist” via her Twitter account on Sunday.

La Fiscalia had written an article regarding Zapata’s pregnancy announcement, titled “‘Little Accident’ causes Marion Zapata to become Pregnant,” in which the term “little accident” was a quote from Zapata to TV y Novelas magazine. The article speculates as to what the little accident could have been, ranging from a broken condom to their conclusion that the couple probably never used any sort of contraceptive.

The article concludes with the comment that “Marion Zapata did not return messages from regarding her pregnancy.”

Later, the same news source revealed that Zapata was no longer pregnant, reporting that “after an unwanted pregnancy as result of the newly formed relationship with fellow actor Mauricio Bastidas, Marion Zapata told the TV y Novelas magazine that she had lost the baby. Zapata did not elaborate on the medical condition that resulted in the abortion of her child. According to the magazine the couple is going through a hard time because of this loss.”

Although Zapata elected not to return the magazine’s inquiries, she felt the need to shame them publicly on her Twitter for their baby mama drama. She posted five 140 character comments regarding the magazine within an hour.

Zapata tweeted that “@lafiscalia I didn’t give my medical, pregnancy, or sad miscarriage announcement to you because you are a second-rate and sensationalist’ media source,” followed by “I only give announcements to magazines and media sources that are well-known and respected like @TVyNovelasCol or 15minutos, etc.”

She continued by telling the magazine that they “should be ashamed to say that the baby was an accident when Mauro and I wanted it since the beginning, although it was not planned…and the miscarriage that I unfortunately had has left us very sad, but thank god we are more united.”

Zapata concluded that they should investigate their articles more before writing such “nonsense.”

La Fiscalia’s follow-up article on her comment, includes sassy come backs like “wait until I finish laughing,” in response to Zapata’s comments that she only gives her commentary to respectable news sources.

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