Colombian actress Amparo Grisales as old as Barbie

Colombia news - amparo grisales

Colombian actress and model Amparo Grisales turned 55 Monday, claiming she is as old (though not as plastic) as Barbie.

Despite fighting off attacks from Twitter followers who call her “grandma” and “cuchiBarbie” (Colombia’s answer to MILF, though not necessarily a mother), Amparo said she feels great at her age in an interview with El Tiempo’s Maria Isabel Rueda.

“I don’t have time to hate those who hate me, I’m very busy loving those who love me,” Amparo said in reference to the Twitter insults. “55……the lucky number!! And if people want to add more [years]!! Let them….I’m not afraid!” she tweeted.

She also denied having used plastic surgery to take apparent years off her age.

“No. I’m not pro-surgery. The easy thing to do is surgery or filling, not only for women, but also men. But time will take its toll,” said Amparo. “The secret is exercise, good nutrition, good energy. I have been an athlete since I was very young. But what I’m trying to do more is strengthen my intellectual muscle and my spiritual muscle.”

Amparo also claims her diet is keeping her looking young.

“I wake up every day and drink a glass of water from the boiled shell of a pineapple, to remove toxins. I wait a while and I drink an antioxidant juice. What I like most is extract from pineapple, ginger, celery, baby spinach, all of that together. With a lot of exercise and discipline, without ever wanting to go under the knife, I have been gaining time to time with natural habits of life,” said Amparo.

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