Colombia VP moves to protect gay community

Colombia’s vice president on Wednesday signed an agreement aimed at providing better protection for the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Intersex (LGBTI) community.

“We live in a democracy so we must respect human rights and we can not talk about human rights if we do not respect LGBTI people,” claimed Vice President Angelino Garzon.

The new measure will reportedly fast-track urgent cases relating to crimes against LBGTI people. The Vice President argued the new agreement was part of a broader commitment toward being more sensitive to the various reports of abuse of the LGBTI community.

“There are people in the country who kill because they do not like difference, they does not accept that we are a diverse country,” said Garzon, referring to increasing concerns about “social cleansing” against minority groups, such as LGBTI.

The vice president insisted that regional and local governments must work together in the initiative.

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