Colombia has taken most important step in peace process: UN

By signing an agrarian reform deal with the FARC, Colombia has taken the most important step in its ongoing peace process, the United Nations said Tuesday.

United Nation coordinator in Colombia, Fabrizio Hochschild, said that the agreement was fundamental for the future of the peace process.

The UN representative stated that the agreement had touched upon sensitive topics, which was relevant for the country’s displaced population and victims of war.

MORE: Colombian government and FARC reach deal on agrarian reform

“Sometimes the first step is the hardest, as with our children. This step is large and significant also because of the topics touched,” the UN official said.

articipation forum finished. This documents would be delivered to the negotiation table for the second part of the peace talk agenda. The second part, which will begin in Havana on June 11, will include issues such as the political participation of the rebel group.

The Colombian government and the FARC have been talking since November 19 to seek a negotiated end of the conflict that began in 1964 when the FARC took up weapons.

The first hurdle, a far-stretching agrarian reform, was formally taken last Sunday when the rebels and government delegates signed an agreement. After a short break, the negotiators will return to the peace talks table in Havana, Cuba to discuss political participation of the FARC.


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