Colombia to cultivate trade relations with Russia

Colombian Foreign Minister Jaime Bermudez is in Russia to cultivate “strategic” trade relations with the former communist nation. He will meet with his Russian counterpart Serguei Lavrov.

“Colombia has identified Russia as a strategic partner in bilateral and multilateral relations. Their economies are complementary and Colombia has an interest in developing the exchange of goods, services and products. There are some great opportunities there for our entrepreneurs and exporters,” Diego Tobon, Colombia’s ambassador to Russia said.

Tobon said that during Bermudez’s visit the two countries will revise “bilateral issues” and will discuss Colombia’s interest in entering into Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC), in which Russia is a key player.

Russia is currently the principal buyer of Colombian flowers in Europe and also buys coffee, cacao and textiles, Tobon said.

“Russia is the world’s principal buyer of beef, chicken, fish and shrimp… here is a very big opportunity for the agricultural sector, as well as other sectors of the Colombian economy,” Tobon said.

“I think we can easily go from the $150 million we now export [to Russia] and increase exports to $500 million, if our businesses take the plunge and take advantage of the support that the Colombian government and Proexport are giving to the opening of this important market,” Tobon said.

This year Russia and Colombia celebrate 75 years of diplomatic relations.

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