Colombia soccer star ‘Tino’ Asprilla assisted by public defense lawyer in alimony case

"Tino" Asprilla

Colombia’s famous soccer forward, Faustino “Tino” Asprilla, will be assisted by public defense lawyers in a criminal case over his failure to pay alimony, reported local media on Monday.

“Tino,” who played for soccer teams Parma, Newcastle United and Colombia’s national team, was assigned a public defense attorney by order of a judge because this would be the only way to ensure that justice is carried out appropriately and respectively according to news website CM&.

The case against Asprilla has been ongoing for about five years due to high paid private attorneys delaying the trial and the testimony of key witness, the forward’s only child, Santiago.

In response to these tactics, the judge assigned public attorney Jorge Armando to the soccer star with the reminder that legal aid lawyers not only serve the poor who cannot pay for counsel, but also they are guaranteed to comply with calls of justice and will not disturb the process for any reason.

Much of the case thus far has surrounded multiple properties that were owned by Asprilla and his wife, and the total amount of money that is being disputed exceeds one million dollars according to newspaper, El Tiempo.

The plaintiff in the case is “Tino’s” ex-wife, Catherine Cortes.



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